A new thing has happened in my professional life/self--I've become interested and engaged in learning more lately. I know I'm always learning things from my clients and life in general which I synthesize and integrate into my work. But, I realized that since our finances have become a lot tighter and since I've been on this mama ride, I've done little continuing education.
For whatever reason, the other day, I got a bee in my bonnet about this and had a little bit of free time at work. So, through a little looking, I found that I could hear
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk for free through the
Psychotherapy Networker web offerings. This was the right thing at the right time. Van der Kolk has proved to be inspiring each time I've encountered him--through a wonderful, live lecture a few years ago, through articles he's quoted in, or this recent web talk.
He is so clearly compassionate about his work and his clients (yes, clients--he's a researcher, psychiatrist, professor, and lecturer who still does actual therapy with real people). When I've heard him, I've felt that perfect balance of support and inspiration. He backs up a lot of what I know and do with clients, but then he brings the breadth of his knowledge and curiosity and pushes my limits and sparks my interest. (Note to self: how can you try to find this balance in interactions with the girls?)
So, that was a nice beginning. Since then, I've been taking free time at work, when a client cancels or no shows, to find more trainings. I sit at my desk, maybe knit a bit so my focus is in that sweet spot where I'm not too fidgety to listen well, and take in 40 minutes or an hour of new material. It's so simple, really, but it has felt rather revolutionary.