
Adding My Moment

Amanda Soule has been posting a "this moment" photo each Friday for the past few weeks, which she describes as "A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor, and remember." I've been wanting to take her up on her invitation to join in, but Fridays (Thursday nights) are the toughest day here, as I work Thursdays and Fridays, and we'll all generally dragging by this time in the week. However, this week I couldn't resist capturing the new wheels...


  1. Love the zebra and old school trike ~ super cool!

  2. Looks like some good old fashioned outdoor fun ;) I hear you on working! It's so exhausting sometimes, but now, I'm trying to capture my "moment" in the day or two before to post :) I feel like my camera should be attached to my hip! I love that so many of our pictures involved our beloved little ones!

  3. Quote from J. on the phone to Grammie: "It's red. The whole thing is red."
