My blog-reading obsession and moderate Facebook addiction suck up lots of my time. I keep almost giving up these activities, hoping I might get a little of my brain back, but then I find a wonderful tutorial or a recipe that our family can't live without or images that help get me through the week or a friend that I haven't been in touch with in ages. That pesky intermittent reinforcement thing gets me yet again! I keep getting hooked, waiting for the next stroke of magic.
This week's dose was an overlapping sort--the Facebook world lead to the blog world. I connected with an old friend from high school, with whom I had lost contact, and then she found my blog and then I found hers. Now, I get to see what she's knitting and maybe quibble about the merits of Continental vs. English knitting (I'm a die-hard believer in the former, in most cases). I also was relieved of a pattern-figuring out task! I've been wanting to make another of what I now know is the "Lil' Devil Baby Hat" but figured I'd have to sleuth out the pattern from the fallen-apart original we were given as a hand-me-down when J. was born. But, aha! Now I know where to find the pattern thanks to this crafty (re)connection!!! I can save those brain cells for more Facebook and blog surfing.

My lil' devil, J., about 2 years ago